Small Group Registration

Please complete the form below to register for the Sermon Discussion Group - Kelly Wagoner.

A little bit about Kelly... Hi, I’m Kelly - I love talking about God's word and how He is working in people's lives. I'm originally from Albuquerque, NM (the true green chili capital), but have lived in Denver for almost 25 years. I have two sons who are almost grown. I enjoy spending time outdoors gardening, exercising and just sitting on the porch. I look forward to building a community with others who love Jesus!

Group is: Meets in person

When: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Cross Roads: Starbucks - SE of I-70 & Central Park (Denver - 80238)

Who: Adults ages 19+

Childcare: No
