Affinity GROUPS

Wednesdays | 10:00am-12:00pm | Maple Classroom

Various Activities and Meeting Times

sermon discussion groups

Learning to live, and grow in community is one of the greatest gifts that Jesus has called us to. The necessity for community is something abundantly evident throughout all of Christian history and the scriptures. Many of our Spiritual formation classes and experiences are designed with community building in mind, but we particularly believe in the power of small groups, especially those that meet over food. Sound appealing? Then consider joining a sermon discussion group! 

Support GROUPS

First Friday of Each Month

10:00am-11:30am | West Fireplace Area

Join us for a monthly support group for people caring for older adults, a loved one with cancer, or someone with a mental health issue, etc. We will learn how to improve healthy coping skills, reduce anxiety and distress, and help you feel less isolated.

1st & 3rd Saturdays

10:00am-11:30am | On Zoom

If you are struggling with a chronic illness or pain and desire to connect with others to share your journey, come be a part of this support group. You will receive encouragement, understanding, and resources in a safe space. 

2nd & 4th Sundays

1:00pm  | Multi-Sensory Room

Anchor is a bi-monthly peer group experience where you can find safe community as well as ongoing encouragement in your faith and mental wellness. Find a space to safely share your story and gain valuable skills for managing your mental health. Also open to caregivers and families seeking to support their loved one in a healthy way. Online pre-registration is preferred but not required.

Every Tuesday

10:00am-11:30am | 4th/5th Grade Room

Have you or a loved one experienced a stroke? On average, a stroke will occur every 40 seconds, and take a life approximately every 4 minutes. You do not have to go through this alone. This group is a support group for stroke survivors and caregivers.

Third Mondays

7:00pm  | Multi-Sensory Room

Parenting a child of any age with a disability can feel isolating and exhausting. Join other parents and caregivers each month to share the journey and experience community, support and encouragement. This group is designed for parents of individuals of any age with an identified cognitive disability, social and emotional issues, or has challenging behaviors that impact his/her daily experiences. Parents in the group share the role of facilitating and agree on monthly topics for discussion. Complete the short registration form to be added to the monthly email list.